Cream Cheese and Tomato Pasta: Quick & Delicious Recipe

When it comes to comfort food, nothing beats a warm, creamy bowl of pasta. As a passionate food blogger at Pastasphere, I’ve explored countless pasta recipes, but one that stands out for its simplicity and rich flavor is cream cheese and tomato pasta

This dish combines the tangy sweetness of cherry tomatoes with the creamy goodness of cream cheese, creating a harmonious blend that is sure to delight your taste buds. Let’s dive into this delightful culinary journey and uncover every aspect of this delicious recipe.

First, let's discuss what makes cream cheese an ideal choice for pasta and also look at some of its nutritious benefits. After that, I'll tell you about the recipe's ingredients and process.

What Makes Cream Cheese an Ideal Choice for Pasta?

Cream cheese is a versatile ingredient known for its mild-tasting flavor and creamy texture. Made from a blend of milk and cream, it boasts a smooth consistency that easily melts into a sauce. Its higher milk fat content gives the pasta a rich, indulgent feel. Unlike other cheeses, cream cheese does not overpower the dish but perfectly complements the sweet acidity of cherry tomatoes.

Nutritional Benefits:

  • Besides its delightful taste and texture, cream cheese also offers several nutritional benefits. 
  • It provides a good source of calcium and vitamin A, essential for bone health and vision, respectively. 
  • When combined with pasta, it creates a balanced meal that is both comforting and nutritious.

Why Use Cream Cheese in this Pasta?

Cream cheese is a versatile ingredient that adds taste and texture to various dishes. It is made from a combination of milk and cream, resulting in a fresh cheese that is both soft and mild-tasting. The production method of cream cheese ensures a higher milk fat content, contributing to its rich, creamy consistency.

Cream Cheese and Tomato Pasta Recipe

Making this delightful cream cheese and tomato pasta is straightforward and results in a flavorful and comforting dish. Follow these steps and tips from my experience to ensure your pasta turns out perfect every time.


  • 200g pasta (your choice, but I prefer fettuccine or penne)
  • 150g cream cheese
  • 250g cherry tomatoes
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Step-by-Step Process

Prepare Your Ingredients and cook the pasta.

Before you start cooking, make sure all your ingredients are prepped. This will make the cooking process smoother and more enjoyable.

  • Bring a Large Pot of Salted Water to a Boil. Use about 4 liters of water with a tablespoon of salt. This not only seasons the pasta but also helps it cook evenly.
  • Add the Pasta: Cook according to the package instructions until al dente, which usually takes 8-10 minutes.
  • Reserve Pasta Water: Reserve about a cup of pasta water before draining. This starchy water will help adjust the sauce’s consistency later.
  • Drain the Pasta: Set the cooked pasta aside.

Prepare the Sauce Base

Using medium to low heat is crucial here. It helps develop flavors without burning the garlic or onions.

  • Heat Olive Oil: Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat in a large pan.
  • Sauté Onion and Garlic: Add the chopped onion and minced garlic to the pan. Cook until the onion is translucent and the garlic is fragrant, about 3-4 minutes.

Cook the Cherry Tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes add a burst of flavor and a beautiful color to the dish. Cook them until they start to release their juices.

  • Add Cherry Tomatoes: Toss in the halved cherry tomatoes. Cook until they soften and begin to burst, releasing their juices. This usually takes about 5-7 minutes.

Incorporate the Cream Cheese

Keep the heat between 160°F to 180°F (70°C to 80°C) to ensure the cream cheese melts smoothly without curdling.

  • Add the Cream Cheese: Reduce the heat to medium-low and add 150g of cream cheese. Stir continuously until the cream cheese is fully melted and combined with the tomatoes.
  • Adjust Consistency: If the sauce is too thick, add a splash of the reserved pasta water, a little at a time, until you achieve your desired consistency.

Combine Pasta and Sauce

Tossing the pasta in the sauce ensures each strand is well coated with the creamy mixture.

  • Add the Cooked Pasta: Add the drained pasta to the pan with the sauce. Toss to coat the pasta evenly with the sauce.
  • Season: Add salt and pepper to taste. Remember to taste the sauce before adding too much salt, as the pasta water and cream cheese might already have added some saltiness.

Finish and Serve

Fresh basil adds a fragrant, fresh touch to the dish. Add it just before serving to retain vibrant flavor of cream cheese and tomato pasta.

  • Add Fresh Basil: Stir in the torn or chiffonade basil leaves.
  • Serve Hot: Transfer the pasta to serving bowls or plates. Garnish with extra basil leaves if desired.

My First Attempt: Cooking Cream Cheese and Tomato Pasta

When I first tried making cream cheese and tomato pasta, I was looking for a dish that was both healthy and satisfying. I struggled to maintain a balanced diet while still craving something comforting. This pasta was a game-changer for me—rich in flavor but light enough to fit my health goals.

I’ve guided you through everything, but to make it even easier, here’s a helpful link with additional tips on using cream cheese in pasta sauce: Reddit Cooking Thread. I hope you find it useful!

Tips for the Perfect Pasta

I’ve tried this pasta recipe 9 or 11 times, so I’m happy to share some tips that might help you out. Let me know in the comments how it turned out for you when you made it!

How to Ensure Your Pasta Turns Out Perfectly?

  • Tip 1: Use a Non-Stick Skillet

Using a non-stick skillet makes it easier to melt the cream cheese and prevents the sauce from sticking.

  • Tip 2: Adjust the Consistency

If the sauce becomes too thick, add a splash of pasta water or extra milk and cream to achieve your desired consistency.

  • Tip 3: Serve with a Side Salad

Pair this pasta with a fresh green salad for a complete meal that’s both satisfying and nutritious.

Traditional vs. Modern: A Comparison

  • How Does This Recipe Compare to Traditional Italian Recipes?

While this dish may not be a traditional recipe, it incorporates elements of classic Italian food. Using fresh ingredients and a simple preparation method is a nod to traditional Italian cooking, where quality and simplicity are essential.

If you need more help, check out this video for a visual guide on making Cream Cheese and Tomato Pasta: Watch on YouTube. It offers detailed steps and tips to perfect your dish. For another delicious recipe, visit our Swiss Cheese Pasta recipe on our site.

Adding Your Own Twist

What Variations Can You Try?

  1. Add Protein: For a more filling meal, consider adding grilled chicken, shrimp, or tofu.
  2. Vegetarian Delight: Toss in some spinach or kale for extra greens.
  3. Spice It Up: If you like a bit of heat, add a pinch of red pepper flakes.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use an immersion blender to make the sauce smoother?

Yes, an immersion blender can be used to make the sauce smoother. After adding the cream cheese and letting it melt, use the immersion blender to blend the sauce until it reaches your desired consistency. This will create a velvety, smooth texture.

2. What is the Ideal Cooking Temperature for the Cream Cheese Sauce?

The ideal cooking temperature for the cream cheese sauce is between 160°F to 180°F (70°C to 80°C). This medium to low heat range allows the cream cheese to melt slowly and blend smoothly with the other ingredients, preventing it from curdling or separating.

3. Can I prepare this dish ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the sauce ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. When you’re ready to serve, reheat the sauce gently on the stove and toss it with freshly cooked pasta.

4. Can I use low-fat cream cheese for this recipe?

Yes, you can use low-fat cream cheese if you prefer a lighter dish. However, remember that the sauce may be slightly less creamy due to the lower fat content. It will still taste delicious and provide a healthier alternative.

5. What type of pasta works best with cream cheese and cherry tomato sauce?

While you can use any pasta you like, I recommend fettuccine, penne, or spaghetti. These types of pasta hold the creamy sauce well and allow the flavors to shine through.

Final Thoughts

Making Cream Cheese and Tomato Pasta is simple and rewarding. Cook the pasta, blend it with sautéed onions, garlic, cherry tomatoes, and cream cheese, and enjoy a creamy, flavorful dish. It’s a perfect blend of comfort and taste. Enjoy the taste of Italian food at home with this easy and delightful recipe from Pastasphere!

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